vendredi 29 avril 2022

Druid (EN)

A bit of context...

It's one of the three expansion classes that Hasbro is definitely planning to release soon.
The Druid, Warlock and Bard. I put them here so that you can enjoy them and while waiting to offer you other characters of my own (Spoil : I'm on the creation of a character "The Dog-Master")

It seems that these classes already existed in previous versions of the game, but I couldn't find in which expansions they are. At least, they were only in the English version.


The druid will make an excellent Tank at the start of the campaign thanks to his shapeshifter, it's more complicated later on since he can't wear armor. However, since he can have the same weapons as the elf, always with the shapeshifter, he will do a very good DD afterwards. He is a also an excellent healer with no less than 2 spelles that provide healing. Surely the most versatile class.

🔰 Stuff : All weapons / Not Armor


PNG file : Druid Card

The size of the cards should be at the size of the cards of the 2022 version of HeroQuest.

🔱Druid Spell🔱

PNG file : Druid Spells


I use the figurine of Belît, the queen of the black coast, present in the "Conan" game box to represent the druid. And in the absence of bear or werewolf figurines, I use that of a treant (tree-man) from an old Warhammer box for the shapeshifter. It's up to you to innovate.

jeudi 28 avril 2022

HeroQuest Custom 2022 : Présentation (FR/EN)

 Salutations aventuriers !

Les initiés de la licence ne sont pas sans savoir que Hasbro à réédité une nouvelle version de son jeu "HeroQuest" en Mars 2022. Une occasion idéale pour me replonger dans ce jeu qui m'a tant passionné dans les années 90.

Ce blog s'adresse aux maîtres de jeu, du jeu de plateau "HeroQuest". Si voulez enrichir vos parties, je vais proposer, au fil du temps, des quêtes (voir des campagnes), de nouveaux héros, de nouveaux sort, des idées de figurines à exploiter ou de nouveaux monstres. C'est une présentation concise mais vous avez là, l'idée principal du projet. 

Vous pouvez suivre l'évolution du projet et voir si de nouveaux articles sont disponibles sur mon instagram @heroquest2.0    


Greetings adventurers!

License insiders are aware that Hasbro reissued a new version of its "HeroQuest" game in March 2022. An ideal opportunity to immerse myself in this game that fascinated me so much in the 90s.

This blog is for game masters, of the board game "HeroQuest". If you want to enrich your games, I will propose, over time, quests (see campaigns), new heroes, new spells, ideas for figurines to exploit or new monsters. It's a concise presentation but you have there, the main idea of the project.

You can follow the evolution of the project and see if new articles are available on my instagram @heroquest2.0